NK Material List

We have found 11 records that matches the element you are searching. Please continue to see the details.

Select Compound Material Name ID Category Chemical Symbol Element Percentage Temperature / Orientation
Zirconium Nitride 0 Nitrides ZrN N/A N/A
Tungsten Nitride 0 Nitrides WN N/A N/A
Titanium Nitride Film with 60nm Thickness 0 Nitrides TiN N/A N/A
Titanium Nitride 0 Nitrides TiN N/A N/A
Tantalum Nitride in Infrared Wavelength Range 0 Infrared TaN N/A N/A
Silicon Nitride in VUV Wavelength Range 0 Nitrides; VUV Si3N4 N/A N/A
Silicon Nitride in Infrared Wavelength Range 0 Nitrides; Infrared Si3N4 N/A N/A
Silicon Nitride 0 Nitrides Si3N4 N/A N/A
SBT 0 Miscellaneous SBT N/A N/A
Hafnium Nitride 0 Nitrides HfN N/A N/A
Chromium Nitride in VUV Wavelength Range 0 Nitrides; VUV CrN N/A N/A

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